Calf Recording Details

There are several ways to access the Calf Registration screen. The recommended way is to use the Calf Inventory screen as this will pre-fill in the Dam's details. Alternatively you can record a calf from the Registered Animals list, or you may be able to access it directly via the Actions | Register Calf menu item.

Note: Dam is prefilled when accessed via the Calf Inventory screen

How to record a calf

    1. If not pre-filled, enter the dam's ident, or click the drop down arrow and select a dam from the Dam Quick Pick List.
    2. Enter the sire's ident or click the drop down arrow and select a bull from the Sire Quick Pick List.

    1. Enter the calf's tattoo, name, date of birth and other required fields as specified in your Breed Society / Association regulations.
    2. Select if the animal is to be registered, or recorded only, via the Rego Status dropdown (if an option).
    3. If calf is an ET, enter the the recipient dam's identity / registration number 

    1. After entering the calf's dam, sire and date of birth the Breeder will be populated automatically.
    2. You may also have the option able to enter relevant birth performance data

    1. Click "Complete Registration" to complete the process.

How to transfer a calf on entry:

    1. While on the registration screen, click the 'Purchasers Details' tab if available

    1. Enter a transfer date
    2. Check or Un-check the Cert to Buyer box

    1. Select a member from your Personal List using the drop down arrow or Search for a member using their name, address, or member number and clicking Find.

    1. Click on the desired member, so the row is highlighted
    2. Then click Select Highlighted

Repeat steps 4-6 to add additional owners.

Note: Remember if you want to maintain partial ownership you must click the Add Self As Part Owner button. See Animal Transfers for more details on selecting and adding non members.

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