Sire QuickPick List
A unique feature of ILROnline allows users to quickly select a sire when registering calves. The Sire QuickPick list is generated from the bulls that sired calves in your herd from the last two years. All bulls used will be included in the list including AI bulls.
How to access your Sire Quick Pick List
Male List can be found under the Actions tab.
How to use your Quick Pick Sires
- When registering calves there are two options when selecting a sire:
- Type the sire's registration number and hit the Enter key on your keyboard.
- Or you can click the drop down arrow in the Sire Ident field to choose a bull from your Sire Quick Pick List.
- The Sire Quick Pick List shows the bulls that you have previously registered calves out of in the last two years.
- If you do not see a new sire that you recently registered a calf out of in the list then you need to update your Quick Pick Sires.
How to update the Sire Quick Pick List
- Open the Male List screen.
- Click the "Clear and Re-Populate List"
- The list will repopulate and the new bulls that you recently registered calves from should appear.
How to remove a bull from your Sire Quick Pick List
- Open the Male List screen.
- Click on the sire you want to remove (their information will become highlighted in blue).
- Then click the "Remove Selected Male" button.
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