Customer Care (Staff only)
The Customer Care portal is used by Breed Society / Association staff to access member accounts, invite members and browse users of the system. Customer Care users can conveniently access ILROnline while acting on behalf of members to perform Registrations, Transfers and Maintenance of animals through the ILROnline system. This is a useful tool for assisting members with technical support, or for performing Breed Society / Association Registrar duties.
Members are accessed via the Customer Care | Member Search menu item, which opens a page for searching Members. To find a Member, enter their Member ID, Name or Email into the Search field. A list of matching members will be produced, along with useful information about the member, such as account balances, pending transactions and their last login date. Click on the blue Member ID link to view / update the Member Details and utilise ILROnline on behalf of a member.
To return to the Member Search you can use the Customer Care menu or click on the blue Customer Care link in the top right of any screen.
Inviting Members to ILROnline
To invite members individually to access ILROnline, Customer Care users can use the Invite button provided on the Member Details page. Members can be invited as Full or Standard users. The main difference is that Full users are able to subsequently invite additional users to access their ILROnline account. More details can be found in the Users section.
Additionally there is a 'Bulk User Invite' button provided on the Member Search page which allows Customer Care to invite multiple users using using an import file. Instructions are provided on the bulk member invite page.
Inviting Staff to ILROnline
ILROnline provides two tiers of Breed Society / Association accounts: Society Admin (Soc Admin) and Society Staff (Soc Staff). Soc Admin are able to invite and manage staff account access to ILROnline for assisting members and users through the Customer Care portal. This is acheived through the Customer Care | Users menu item which will open up the Society Users page. This page shows a list of all users of the system including non-members that have created a User account for saving animal searches. To invite additional Society Staff as a Society Administrator, click the Invite button provided, enter their email address and click the 'Invite User' button.
The Society Users page allows Society Staff to also control acess to ILROnline via the Revoke column. Revoking a user / member will block access to ILROnline. Members will need to be invited individually once Revoked.
Note: Members can be blocked access to ILROnline through ILR2 (the desktop environment) and forced to pay their membership or pending balance as well instead of using the Revoke feature. Members will be presented with a relevant ILROnline page for renewing their membership and paying for any outstanding balance. Conversely, Revoking a member will not allow them to login at all to pay their account, and thus should be used with caution.
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