Pending Animals
When you put an animal on "Hold" during the registration process the information entered is saved. The animal is given a temporary registration number prefixed with a question mark (?).
Animals with question mark registration numbers are called "Pending Animals." Unregistered animals can be deemed pending for a missing birth date, missing horned/polled status, etc...
Where to locate animals on "Hold" known as Pending Animals
Animals on "Hold" can be found in the Pending Animals screen.
- Open the Pending Animals screen.
- The screen will open to a list of Pending Animals.
How to update pending animals information
- Select a pending animal, by click anywhere in that row.
- Click the button "Edit Animal."
- The update held or unregistered animal screen will open with the animal's previously saved information.
- Enter the new information and click "Update Animal" to save changes and to complete the registration.
- If the animal is still in error or receiving warnings, click "Hold" to save changes and come back at a later time to complete the registration. If only a warning is present you may be given the option to proceed with the registration by clicking the "Override" button.
Note: When you choose to click "Override" the registration will process, however remember the warning message(s). Because some overridden warnings can cause reporting problems later on.
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