Animal Details

To view specific details for an animal, click on the blue animal ident link provided in any animal list (Registered Animals, Inventory list etc).  

Click an animal identity / registration number to view the animal's details

This will open a separate browser tab containing details specific to that animal named the 'Animal Enquiry' screen. Here you can view general details for the animal, Pedigree tree, Progeny, EBVs and Traits and more. Click on the relevant tab to drill into further detail for the animal.

Animal Pedigree

The animal pedigree tree allows you to browse the Sire / Dam, and Grand Sire / Dam details. Click on the relevant animal's name to drill into that particular animal's details.

Animal EBVs / EPDs

The animal EBVs / EPDs are displayed along with relevant indexes. To view a chart of the EBVs click the 'EBV Chart' button or to view the latest Percentiles for the breed use the 'Click for Percentiles' link which will open a separate tab containing a percentiles table.

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