Cow Inventory

The Cow Inventory will list all cows currently active in the herd for that season / year.

If your Breed Society / Association uses an Inventory fee model, these are the Cows that will be charged for this year's inventory and prior to each calving season, a cow inventory will be made available to the breeder.  Otherwise the Cow Inventory will simply list all your registered Cows that are expected to calve for the season / year.

Cow inventories are expexted to be kept current and complete. A dam should be listed on the breeder's most current herd inventory in order to process their offspring's registration and weaning performance data.

Options for managing your Cow Inventory:

    1. Select disposal reasons for cows that you wish to remove from your cow inventory list.
    2. Add animals to your Cow Inventory if you find any missing e.g. Recently purchased animals that do not appear in your Cow Inventory.
    3. Update Cow Reproductive status if the Cow failed to calve this year / season.

How to update the cow inventory

    1. Open the Inventory Overview Screen.

    1. Select the cow inventory link that corresponds to the year and season you want to update.

    1. The Cow Inventory screen will open to an Incomplete list. Review the cows shown and update according to the instructions below where relevant.
    2. A dam will be listed on the Complete tab if it has either a calf recorded for the season (see Calf Recording), a reason why it didn’t calf (Reproductive Status), or has been disposed or sold via the Disposal button.

How do I remove a cow from the inventory?

    1. Select a cow by clicking anywhere in the row she is listed and then click the Disposal button.
    2. The Dispose Animal box will open with the selected cow's details.
    3. Select the appropriate Disposal Reason to remove the cow from the inventory.
    4. Enter a disposal date or select the date from the pop-up calendar.
    5. Click update to remove the cow from the inventory.
    6. A message in green test will let you know the cow was successfully updated.
    7. The cow will no longer appear on the Incomplete list and will not appear in next year / season's Cow inventory.

How do I add a cow to the season's inventory?

    1. Click the button Add to Inventory.
    2. The Add Cow To Inventory box will open.

    1. Enter the cow's registration number and click Find.
    2. When the cow is found the details will automatically fill in.
    3. Review the cow's details, confirming it's the cow you want and click the "Add" button.
    4. A message in green text will let you know the cow has been successfully updated.
    5. The added cow will now appear on the Incomplete list.

How do I move a cow to the next season?

    1. Select the cow you want to move to the "Next Season" (her information will become highlighted in blue.)
    2. Click the button "Reproductive Status."
    3. Select the Inventory Code "Next Season."

    1. Click the button "Save" to complete the status change.

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