Scan Data Performance Data

Breed Society / Associtions may permit members to enter their recorded scanning data. This is acheived by accessing the Scan performance entry screen. If Scan data entry is not permitted, members can still view recorded Scan data on this screen.

How to Report / View Scan Data

    1. Open the Inventory Overview screen.
    2. Find the calving year then the "Scan" column and click on the number in that corresponding box.

    1. After the Scan link is clicked the Scan screen will open and the recorded, active calves will be listed in an Incomplete list if pending scan data, or Complete list if Scan data has been provided.
    2. Click on an animal in the Incomplete list (their information will become highlighted in blue).
    3. Enter the animal's scan data, as recorded by the accredited scanner, into the performance input boxes found below the Incomplete list.

    1. Remember if the calf was sold or died before Scans were taken, select a proper Disposal Code, otherwise the calf will remain on the Incomplete list.
    2. After the scan information is entered click the Update button.
    3. The calf's record will then be moved to the Completed list.

How to download the Scan data "Completed" or "Incomplete" list

When the Scan Incomplete / Complete list is open, click the Download CSV button. A spreadsheet will download on your computer with the reported calves from the selected list and their recorded details.

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