Birth Weight Performance Entry

When using ILROnline you can report birth weight data when you record calves using the calf recording screen.

If you forget to enter a birth weight or trait, or you make an error and you need to go back to the calf inventory to fix it, the Birth Weight (BW) performance entry screen is the best place to go.

How to access the Birth Weight screen

    1. Open the Inventory Overview screen.
    2. Select the BW link corresponding to the year and calving season you want to report on.

    1. After the BW link is clicked the Birth screen will open and the recorded, active calves will be listed in the Complete list or the Incomplete list.
    2. Select a calf to be changed or enter birth weight information by:
      1. If you have previously entered the calf's birth weight but you need to change it, click on the Completed tab to find the calf.
      2. If you have not reported birth information on a calf yet, it will be found in the birth weight Incomplete tab.
    1. Enter their birth weight information in the performance input boxes found below the list.

    1. Click "Update" to save the entered birth weight information before you move onto another calf.
    2. Once you click "Update" the calf will be moved to the Completed list.

How to Download the Birth Weight "Completed" or "Incomplete" list

Click the Download CSV button on the relevant Incomplete / Complete tab. A spreadsheet will download on your computer with the reported calves from the selected list and their recorded details.


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